Saturday, March 1, 2008

Photohunt - Party

This weeks theme is party and my photo is from my mums going away party about 4 weeks ago when she left to go back to Queensland after staying with us for 6 weeks.

This is my son, mums friends, mum, my hubby and mums friends hubby:

It was a great night and we watched the sun set over the river. But it was also sad as mum was going home the next day.


Carin said...

A going away party is always sad in a way.
Your entry touched me because I knew how difficult it was to say bye to dear ones living in an other country.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I hope your mom will be back soon for another visit.It'll be Welcome Party then!! :)

Lynn said...

The picture's nice but somehow the would-miss-someone-look is there. My PH is up here. Hope you can visit.

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwww, I hope she returns. Soon.

I hope you can drop in to view my two party themed photos. Have a terrific weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you might have had a very nice visit with her. It is hard to say goodbye until the next time. Hope she had a safe trip home. Have a good weekend. Mine is up, please stop by.

Sarge Charlie said...

see y'all later.....

Dragonstar said...

A lovely party, but a sad occasion just the same. Still, it was great she could be with you for so long.

Katney said...

Parting is such sweet sorrow. Sweet that you had the chance to spend that timet together. Sorrow becasue it must end for a time. You can look forward to another visit sometime.