Saturday, May 24, 2008

Photohunt - Shoes

This was the one I have been waiting for! I am very well known amoungst my friends, family etc as the Shoe Queen!! I couldn't choose just one photo so had to make a Slideshow:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Anonymous said...

goodness girl,.... I thought my daughter was bad!!! her collection is almost as big as yours, and now her daughter's shoe collection is growing fast, and she's not even 2 yet!! Great slide show! Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Goodness you have plenty of shoes.. Cool!

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...what a classy slide show.

My shoes are posted! Finally.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Those are some very pretty shoes!
Love the heels, but can't wear them anymore.
Happy Weekend!

Sandy M said...

All I can say is = WOW!

Sarge Charlie said...

that is a nice collection of shoes

On this Memorial Day remember my friends who died for your freedom.

Dear Lord, lest I continue in my complacent ways, help me to remember that someone died for me today. And if there be war, help me to remember to ask and to answer “am I worth dying for?”~

Eleanor Roosevelt

Amber said...

WOW, that is quite the collection of shoes. I could see why you had a hard time choosing.

Great slide show.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Wow! That was certainly impressive!

Have a great weekend!

-tnchick- said...

Oh lala. I saw a few pair I'd love to have!!